Sunday, July 12, 2009

aRWTL's Guide to Random Walking

The title of this blog was chosen to represent the fact that I didn't really know where it was going when I started. The frequency of posts shows that I haven't figured it out yet. But today we provide for you a guide to taking a random walk.

Its summer in Minnesota and we are more High Plains than Upper Great Lakes this year. (Think great grass desert and you'll get the idea.) But the lack of rainfall makes it a good time to take a walk. Its my belief that planning a route often leads to going the same way all the time. The result, nothings ever different. You never see the things you don't know are there. To encourage exploration here is a guide to randomizing your walk. (Note: that I tested this concept this morning while walking around the Mall of America.)

1. Get a Randomizer
In order to take a random walk you need a randomizer. The easiest is a coin. Coins are very good for making random binary decisions. If you are in a location where coin tossing might attract too much attention, like a mall, two coins of the same type that can easily be identified on site but not on touch make a good "pocket" randomizer. When you need to make a decision pull one out of your pocket and proceed.

Here's a simple electronic randomizer.

Once you have a randomizer...

2. Set decision rules
If you have a binary randomizer (the simplest) every decision will be one or more yes/no questions. Here is an example. You're out for a walk and you reach an intersection. There are three possibly options: Go straight, turn left, turn right. If you only have two answers on your randomizer how do you decide. It's really very simple. This decision requires two answers. The questions are:
A. Do I turn? Yes or No
B. If Yes, Left or Right. (or If Yes, so I turn right?)

You also have to decide if every opportunity for a decision requires one. If you are trying to get some where then you'll need to make sure your decisions don't push you to far out of the way. So in some cases you'll opt not to randomize the decision.

That's pretty much it. So next time you walk around your neighborhood, mix it up a little. You might discover things you didn't know were there.

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